Multiple Assessments for Learning
Course Objectives:
After completing this course, students should be able to:
1. Understand the basic theory of testing and assessment.
2. Learn how to construct effective assessments to help students learn.
3. Choose the appropriate assessment method based on the teaching decision.
4. Have the knowledge and ability to analyze tests and assessments.
5. Use assessment results for teaching programs and curriculum developments
Schedule of Topics:
Week 1 • Explain syllabus. Talk about the course goal, responsibilities, and objectives.
Week 2 • Overview: Introduction to the history of testing and assessment
Week 3 • Introduction to Learning Assessment; Comparison of Norm-referenced and criterion-referenced Tests
Week 4 • Assessment of teacher responsibility and ethical issues
• Evaluation classification and noun description
• Teaching plan and lecture task description
Week 5 • Teacher-written achievement test
• Principles for setting up teaching goals
Week 6 • Teaching achievement setting
• Design a two-way specification table
Week 7 • Item-objective consistency, IOC
• Item difficulty
• Pre-to-post difference index, PPDI
Week 8 • Multiple-choice questions: Test question compositional skills
Week 9 • True-False questions, matching questions: Test questions compositional skills
Week 10 • Fill-in the blank questions, word problems: Test question compositional skills
Week 11 • Explanation of assessment scores: types and calculations of scales; basic statistical concepts
• t-score and z-score
Week 12 • Effective evaluation: Reliability and practicality
Week 13 • Effective evaluation: Validity and fairness
Week 14 • Supplementary type: Test question compositional skills
Week 15 • Authentic Assessment/ portfolio assessment
Week 16 • Concept mapping assessment
Week 17 • Literacy assessment
Course Activities:
The primary format of this course will be mini-lecture, in-class discussion, group/pair work, and audio-visual presentation. Students will be asked to do some in-class assignments. Students are also required to give individual presentation on a selected journal articles. Students are required to come up with a small test/measurement/assessment.
Procedures: Course grades will be calculated in the following manner:
In-class assignments 30 pts.
In-class participation (attendance and talking) 20 pts.
Individual paper presentation 20 pts.
Mid-Term Exam 0 pts.
Final Exam 30 pts.
Total: 100 pts.
A: 90-100 B: 80-89 C: 70-79 D: 60-69 F: 59 & Below
Textbooks and reading materials:
• Miller, M. D. & Linn, R. L, & Gronlund, N. E. (2008). Measurement and assessment in teaching
(10th ed.). Pearson, Boston
• See attachment reference list as well.
Course Objectives:
After completing this course, students should be able to:
1. Understand the basic theory of testing and assessment.
2. Learn how to construct effective assessments to help students learn.
3. Choose the appropriate assessment method based on the teaching decision.
4. Have the knowledge and ability to analyze tests and assessments.
5. Use assessment results for teaching programs and curriculum developments
Schedule of Topics:
Week 1 • Explain syllabus. Talk about the course goal, responsibilities, and objectives.
Week 2 • Overview: Introduction to the history of testing and assessment
Week 3 • Introduction to Learning Assessment; Comparison of Norm-referenced and criterion-referenced Tests
Week 4 • Assessment of teacher responsibility and ethical issues
• Evaluation classification and noun description
• Teaching plan and lecture task description
Week 5 • Teacher-written achievement test
• Principles for setting up teaching goals
Week 6 • Teaching achievement setting
• Design a two-way specification table
Week 7 • Item-objective consistency, IOC
• Item difficulty
• Pre-to-post difference index, PPDI
Week 8 • Multiple-choice questions: Test question compositional skills
Week 9 • True-False questions, matching questions: Test questions compositional skills
Week 10 • Fill-in the blank questions, word problems: Test question compositional skills
Week 11 • Explanation of assessment scores: types and calculations of scales; basic statistical concepts
• t-score and z-score
Week 12 • Effective evaluation: Reliability and practicality
Week 13 • Effective evaluation: Validity and fairness
Week 14 • Supplementary type: Test question compositional skills
Week 15 • Authentic Assessment/ portfolio assessment
Week 16 • Concept mapping assessment
Week 17 • Literacy assessment
Course Activities:
The primary format of this course will be mini-lecture, in-class discussion, group/pair work, and audio-visual presentation. Students will be asked to do some in-class assignments. Students are also required to give individual presentation on a selected journal articles. Students are required to come up with a small test/measurement/assessment.
Procedures: Course grades will be calculated in the following manner:
In-class assignments 30 pts.
In-class participation (attendance and talking) 20 pts.
Individual paper presentation 20 pts.
Mid-Term Exam 0 pts.
Final Exam 30 pts.
Total: 100 pts.
A: 90-100 B: 80-89 C: 70-79 D: 60-69 F: 59 & Below
Textbooks and reading materials:
• Miller, M. D. & Linn, R. L, & Gronlund, N. E. (2008). Measurement and assessment in teaching
(10th ed.). Pearson, Boston
• See attachment reference list as well.