Research Methodology in Social Sciences
Course Objectives:
After successfully completing this course you will be able to:
• Understand the history and philosophy of qualitative and quantitative approaches in research method
• Know the basic research methods in qualitative and quantitative approaches
• Apply one particular research method in investigate one’s own research topic
• Write up a sound research proposal in indicating one’s own research topic and how one is planning in investigate the topic
Schedule of Topics:
Week1 • Explain syllabus
• Different types of research methods
• Additional Learning:
1. Basic literature search skill
2. Set up a school library account
3. Practice finding the papers
Week2 • Different types of research methods
• Two main approach of research: Qualitative and quantitative approaches
• Philosophies of these two approaches: Are they two different approaches or are they two
collaborative approaches?
• Common method involved in social science
Week3 • Formulating a research problem
• Sources of research problem
• Formulating a research objective and question
• Different research questions and how do each question relate to different types of methods
Week 4 • Different research questions and how do each question relate to different types of methods
• Survey Studies
1. What are survey studies?
2. Interview and questionnaires?
3. What kind of questions are best answered by the survey method?
4. What are the things should we be aware of when we evaluated the survey studies?
a. Reliability
b. Validity
Week5 • What are the things should we be aware of when we evaluated the survey studies?
1. Reliability
2. Validity
• Correlational studies
1. Practice using the excel
2. How can we interpret the results?
3. Difference between correlational studies and experimental studies
Week6 • What is a cross-over comparative experiment?
• Difference between a true-experimental design and quasi-experimental design
• The definition of a hypothesis
• The testing of a hypothesis
Week7 • Continue from last week
Week8 • What is a variable?
• The difference between a concept and a variable
• Types of variables
• Types of measurement scale
1. Nominal or classificatory scale
2. Ordinal or ranking scale
3. Interval scale
4. Ratio scale
Week9 • The research processes
• Decide what to research
• Planning a research study
• Conceptualizing a research design
• Writing up a research proposal
• What should be include in a thesis?
• Basic writing skills
• What method should I pick for my topic?
Week 11 The Nature of Social Research
Learning how to be a Qualitative researcher
Week 12 The Foundations of Qualitative Research
Week 13 Viewing the Structure: Dissertation for a Qualitative Study
Week 14 Using Philosophy and Theory in Qualitative Research
Week 15 The Selection of a Research Approach
Week 16 Introducing Qualitative Designs
Week 17 Understanding the Process of Qualitative Data Collection
Week 18 Final Project presentation
Instructional Activities:
• Lecture & discussion
• Student report/presentation
• Reflections
• Final project
• Quizzes or homework assignments
Grading Procedures:
Course grades will be calculated in the following manner:
Homework (30 @ 10 pts. each) 30 pts.
In-class participation (attendance and discussion) and Presentation 40 pts.
Mid-Term Exam 10 pts.
Final Exam 20 pts.
Total: 100 pts.
A: 90-100 B: 80-89 C: 70-79 D: 60-69 F: 59 & Below
Textbooks and reading materials:
【Be aware of the intellectual property rights and do not copy the course material illegally】
• Kumar, R. (2014). Research Methodology: A Step-by-step Guide for Beginners (3rd Eds.). London: Sage Publications Ltd.
• Creswell, J. W. (2016). 30 Essential Skills for the Qualitative Researcher. London: Sage.
• Other related course material will be announced later in the class
Course Objectives:
After successfully completing this course you will be able to:
• Understand the history and philosophy of qualitative and quantitative approaches in research method
• Know the basic research methods in qualitative and quantitative approaches
• Apply one particular research method in investigate one’s own research topic
• Write up a sound research proposal in indicating one’s own research topic and how one is planning in investigate the topic
Schedule of Topics:
Week1 • Explain syllabus
• Different types of research methods
• Additional Learning:
1. Basic literature search skill
2. Set up a school library account
3. Practice finding the papers
Week2 • Different types of research methods
• Two main approach of research: Qualitative and quantitative approaches
• Philosophies of these two approaches: Are they two different approaches or are they two
collaborative approaches?
• Common method involved in social science
Week3 • Formulating a research problem
• Sources of research problem
• Formulating a research objective and question
• Different research questions and how do each question relate to different types of methods
Week 4 • Different research questions and how do each question relate to different types of methods
• Survey Studies
1. What are survey studies?
2. Interview and questionnaires?
3. What kind of questions are best answered by the survey method?
4. What are the things should we be aware of when we evaluated the survey studies?
a. Reliability
b. Validity
Week5 • What are the things should we be aware of when we evaluated the survey studies?
1. Reliability
2. Validity
• Correlational studies
1. Practice using the excel
2. How can we interpret the results?
3. Difference between correlational studies and experimental studies
Week6 • What is a cross-over comparative experiment?
• Difference between a true-experimental design and quasi-experimental design
• The definition of a hypothesis
• The testing of a hypothesis
Week7 • Continue from last week
Week8 • What is a variable?
• The difference between a concept and a variable
• Types of variables
• Types of measurement scale
1. Nominal or classificatory scale
2. Ordinal or ranking scale
3. Interval scale
4. Ratio scale
Week9 • The research processes
• Decide what to research
• Planning a research study
• Conceptualizing a research design
• Writing up a research proposal
• What should be include in a thesis?
• Basic writing skills
• What method should I pick for my topic?
Week 11 The Nature of Social Research
Learning how to be a Qualitative researcher
Week 12 The Foundations of Qualitative Research
Week 13 Viewing the Structure: Dissertation for a Qualitative Study
Week 14 Using Philosophy and Theory in Qualitative Research
Week 15 The Selection of a Research Approach
Week 16 Introducing Qualitative Designs
Week 17 Understanding the Process of Qualitative Data Collection
Week 18 Final Project presentation
Instructional Activities:
• Lecture & discussion
• Student report/presentation
• Reflections
• Final project
• Quizzes or homework assignments
Grading Procedures:
Course grades will be calculated in the following manner:
Homework (30 @ 10 pts. each) 30 pts.
In-class participation (attendance and discussion) and Presentation 40 pts.
Mid-Term Exam 10 pts.
Final Exam 20 pts.
Total: 100 pts.
A: 90-100 B: 80-89 C: 70-79 D: 60-69 F: 59 & Below
Textbooks and reading materials:
【Be aware of the intellectual property rights and do not copy the course material illegally】
• Kumar, R. (2014). Research Methodology: A Step-by-step Guide for Beginners (3rd Eds.). London: Sage Publications Ltd.
• Creswell, J. W. (2016). 30 Essential Skills for the Qualitative Researcher. London: Sage.
• Other related course material will be announced later in the class